Targeted Metabolomics Services

Vitamin E

Updated 21/12/2022

What is measured?

alfa-tocopherol (aToc), alfa-tocopherolacetate and gamma-tocopherol (gToc).
Method(s): LC-MS/MS (1).


Assessment of vitamin E status.

Specimen, collection and processing

Patient/subject: Over night fasting is recommended.
Matrix: Serum or EDTA plasma.
Volume: Minimum volume is 50 µL, but 200 µL is optimal and allows reanalysis.
Preparation and stability: Serum gel tubes must not be used. Samples should be put on ice, and protected from light.


Protected from light, frozen, on dry ice (for general instruction on transportation, click here)

Reported values, interpretation

Reported values (aToc/gToc): 11-106/0.5-11 µmol/L.
Intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) (aToc/gToc): 0.86/na.


1. Midttun, Ø., McCann, A., Aarseth, O., Krokeide, M., Kvalheim, G., Meyer, K., and Ueland, P.M. (2016). Combined measurement of 6 fat-soluble vitamins and 26 water-soluble functional vitamin markers and amino acids in 50 μL of serum or plasma by high-throughput mass spectrometry. Anal Chem 88, 10427-436.

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