Stability curves

This page provides data on pre-analytical stability during storage and freezing/thawing of Bevital´s biomarkers or metabolites by April 2019.

Analytical platforms B – H

F: Microbiological assay

Folate (B9) and cobalamin (B12).


Lipid-soluble vitamins and long-chain acylcarnitines.
Amino- and carboxylic acids.

The panels (click on biomarkers above) show the stability of all biomarkers in EDTA plasma and serum at room temperature (left) for the indicated duration and after increasing number of freeze-thaw cycles (right). The white zone indicates +/- 15% deviation from the average of the first three time points for plasma. Data are given as geometric mean with standard error (SE) for samples from 15 healthy subjects.

Choline derivatives. Charged, methylated or sulfur amino acids.

The panels (click on biomarkers above) show the stability of all biomarkers in EDTA plasma and serum at room temperature (left) for the indicated duration and after increasing number of freeze-thaw cycles (right). The white zone indicates +/- 15% deviation from the average of the first three time points for plasma. Data are given as geometric mean with standard error (SE) for samples from 15 healthy subjects.

Kynurenine pathway and B vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B6), nicotin, coffee markers, and inflammation markers.

The panels (click on biomarkers above) show the stability of all biomarkers in EDTA plasma and serum at room temperature (left) for the indicated duration and after increasing number of freeze-thaw cycles (right). The white zone indicates +/- 15% deviation from the average of the first three time points for plasma. Data are given as geometric mean with standard error (SE) for samples from 15 healthy subjects.

Folate species and catabolites.

The panels (click on biomarkers above) show the stability of all biomarkers in EDTA plasma and serum at room temperature (left) for the indicated duration and after increasing number of freeze-thaw cycles (right). The white zone indicates +/- 15% deviation from the average of the first three time points for plasma. Data are given as geometric mean with standard error (SE) for samples from 15 healthy subjects.

Folate (B9) and cobalamin (B12).

The panels (click on biomarkers above) show the stability of all biomarkers in EDTA plasma and serum at room temperature (left) for the indicated duration and after increasing number of freeze-thaw cycles (right). The white zone indicates +/- 15% deviation from the average of the first three time points for plasma. Data are given as geometric mean with standard error (SE) for samples from 15 healthy subjects.

Protein biomarkers

The panels (click on biomarkers above) show the stability of all biomarkers in EDTA plasma and serum at room temperature (left) for the indicated duration and after increasing number of freeze-thaw cycles (right). The white zone indicates +/- 15% deviation from the average of the first three time points for plasma. Data are given as geometric mean with standard error (SE) for samples from 15 healthy subjects.

Lipid-soluble vitamins.

The panels (click on biomarkers above) show the stability of all biomarkers in EDTA plasma and serum at room temperature (left) for the indicated duration and after increasing number of freeze-thaw cycles (right). The white zone indicates +/- 15% deviation from the average of the first three time points for plasma. Data are given as geometric mean with standard error (SE) for samples from 15 healthy subjects.

July 8, 2024
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