Curriculum vitae
Professor Per Magne Ueland, born 1948.
Formal education
1973: M.D. University of Bergen. Research Fellow (NRC), University of Bergen (UoB)
1979: Doctoral thesis, UoB.
Academic appointments and positions
1977-84: Associate Professor in General Pharmacology, Institute of Pharmacology, UoB.
1984-86: Associate Professor in Clinical Pharmacology, Institute of Pharmacology, UoB.
1987-2000: Professor (II) in Clinical Pharmacology, Institute of Pharmacology, UoB.
1984-2018: Consultant in Clinical Pharmacology, Central Laboratory, Haukeland University Hospital, Bergen.
1987-2000: Head of the Clinical Pharmacology Unit, Central Laboratory, Haukeland University Hospital, Bergen.
2000-2018: Professor (I) in Pharmacology, Section of Pharmacology, Institute of Medicine, UoB.
2018-2023: R&D Director, BEVITAL; professor emeritus, UoB.
2023-: Scientific advisor, BEVITAL; professor emeritus, UoB.
Organization of international conferences
1983-85: Organizing Committee (Borchardt, Creveling and Ueland) for the Conference "The Biochemistry of S-Adenosyl-methionine as a Target for Drug Design", Bergen, June 30-July 4, 1985.
1993-95: Member of the Organising Committee of the first "International Conference on Homocysteine Metabolism. From Basic Science to Clinical Medicine", Dromoland Castle, Ireland, 1995.
1997: Member of the Scientific Organizing Committee of "the 2nd International Conference on Homocysteine Metabolism", Nijmegen, 1998.
1998-99: Member of the Organising Committee for the Conference "Novel Technologies in Biomedical Analysis", funded by the EU Commission. Sandefjord, Norway, 1999.
2001-13: Member of the Scientific Organizing Committee of "the 3rd (Sorrento, 2001), 4th (Basel, 2003), 5th (Milan, 2005), 7th (Prague 2009) 8th (Lisabon 2011) and 9th (Dublin 2013) International Conference on One Carbon and Homocysteine Metabolism".
2012: Member of the Scientific Committee of ”Advances and Controversies in B-Vitamins and Choline" in Leipzig March 5-8, 2012.
Editorials board member
1992-: Member of Editorial board of Anticancer Research, International Institute for Anticancer Research.
1995-: Associate Editor of Pharmacological Reviews, American Soc of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapy.
2006-2011: Member of the Editorial Board of Clinical Chemistry, American Association for Clinical Chemistry.
2012 - : Review Editor of Frontiers in Nutrigenomics
EU, US and Nordic contracts
1989-: Participant (Central Laboratory) and Member of the Steering Committee of the EC project "European Concerted Action. Homocysteinaemia and Vascular Disease".
1995: Participant (Central Laboratory) and Member of the Steering Committee of the EU project "Concerted Action. Homocysteinaemia and Vascular Disease. Dose findings".
1996-99: Co-ordinator of the EU project "LIF Detection in Mutation analyses", PL 950505.
1997-2001: Participant and Member of the Steering Committee of the EU project "Homocysteine determination in laboratory diagnostics" PL96-3549.
2002-06: Participant and Member of the Steering Committee of the EU project "Holo TC. Early marker of vitamin B12 deficiency", QLK3-CT-2002-01775.
2005 -2006: National Cancer Inst US - Aspirin/Folate Polyp Prevention Study - (CA059005)
2006: National Institutes of Health US NINDS - Congenital defects - (R01 NS050249)
2007-: Participant of Nordic Centre of Excellence in “Bioactive Food Components and Prevention of Lifestyle Diseases”, a consortium of 8 research groups located in Scandinavia, funded by NordForsk,
2009- 2010: EEA/Norway Research Support Fund Project No. A/CZ0046/1/0018. A collaboration with Biology Centre, v.v.i., Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic.
2009. National Institutes of Health US - Trinity student cohort study - (N01-HD-3-3348)
2012 -2016: National Cancer Institute , NCI-US- One-carbon metabolism biomarkers and lung cancer risk (1 R01 CA155340-01)
2011-2013: World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF) - Head & Neck, and Kidney cancer.
2014-2017: Norwegian PI of EU TRANSCAN: CRC-Metabolome - Metabolomic profiles throughout the continuum of colorectal cancer.
2015-2018: Norwegian PI of EU TRANSCAN: FOCUS - Biomarkers related to folate- dependent one-carbon metabolism in colorectal cancer recurrence and survival.
Administration and founding
1981-: Leader of Research Group consisting of 5-8 technicians, 3-7 research fellows and 4-6 senior scientists.
1988-96: Leader of the Section for Experimental Therapy and Nutrition, the Research Commission of the Norwegian Cancer Society.
1988-96: Member of the Research Commission of the Norwegian Cancer Society.
1992: Co-founder of the Hordaland Homocysteine Study 1992-93 (HUSK I)
1993-98: Second Chair of the Research Commission of the Medical Faculty, University of Bergen.
1997- Cofounder, and member of the Steering Committee of Western Norway B-Vitamin Intervention Trial (WENBIT).
1997-: Cofounder and member of the Steering Committee of Norwegian Vitamin Intervention Trial (NORVIT).
1996-: Founder and Member of the Steering Committee of the Foundation to promote research into functional vitamin B12 deficiency.
1999: Co-founder and member of the Steering Committee of the Hordaland Health Study II (HUSK II).
1998-2008: Chairman of the Research Unit "LOCUS for Homocysteine and Related Vitamins" (, authorized by Medical Faculty, University of Bergen.
2000-02: Member of the Steering Committee of MEDKAP, the Norwegian Research Council.
2003: Founder of the company, BEVITAL AS (
2013: Member of the Folate Expert Panel of the BOND project ( administred by National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) of the US National Institutes of Health (NIH).
2018-: Member of the Steering Committee of the Hordaland Health Study III (HUSK III).
1984-2018: Supervised 32 PhD students who completed their degree. For 13 PhD students, the responsibility has been shared with co-supervisor(s).
Publications and bibliometrics
Author / Co-author of about 800 scientific articles in international peer review journals.
2024, February: WoS statistics: 771 publications – Times cited without self-citation: 43420 - Citing articles: 27116 - Average citations per item: 62.38 - H-index: 101. Updated citation metrics are provided by ResearcherID.
Research awards and honours
1990: Research Prize from "Falch´s Foundation for Medical Science", Bergen, 1990.
1992: King Olav the V´s Reward for Cancer Research (The Norwegian Cancer Society)
2003: Research Prize from Western Regional Health Authority.
2005-06: Recognized as the most cited scientist in Norway (by NIFU STEP Studies in Innovation, Research and Education) in the period 1995-2004, and in 1996-2005.
2006: Research Prize "Research Group of the Year 2005", from the Medical Faculty, UoB.
2008: Citation Classics in Clinical Chemistry, American Society for Clinical Chemistry.
2009: Member of The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters.