Project: PROJECT | Report date: 2023-11-07 | Lab data analyst(s): OAA/LN/RMH/MK | Report author(s): JLB

1 Missing data points

1.1 Tabular summaries

1.1.1 Missing values for metabolites

Metabolites with >60% missing values are not included in the data sets or plots with imputed values.


  • nMISS: number of missing values for each variable
  • pctMISS: proportion (%) of missing values for each variable

1.1.2 Missing values for cases

If empty table, then no missing values were found in the data set.


  • nMISS: number of missing values for each case
  • pctMISS: proportion (%) of missing values for each case

1.1.3 Number of missing values for metabolites

This table shows the number of times that there are a certain number of missing values in a variable.
If empty table, then no missing values were found in the data set.


  • nMISSinVAR: number of missing values for each variable
  • nVARS: number of metabolites with the number of missing values
  • pctVARS: proportion (%) of metabolites with the number of missing values

1.1.4 Number of missing values for cases

This table shows the number of times that there are a certain number of missing values in a case/observation.
If empty table, then no missing values were found in the data set.


  • nMISSinOBS: number of missing values for a case/observation
  • nOBS: number of cases/observations with the number of missing values
  • pctOBS: proportion (%) of cases/observations with the number of missing values

1.1.5 Variable summary

This table shows the numbers of missing data points per variable and reason for missingness
If empty table, then no missing values were found in the data set.


  • n: number of missing data points

1.1.6 Overall summary

This table shows the total numbers of samples and metabolites measured in this project, as well as the proportion of missing data points and their reason(s).


  • mdp: missing data points
  • LOD: limit of detection
  • M(C)AR: missing (completely) at random
  • MNAR: missing not at random
  • nVARS: number of metabolites
  • pctVARS: proportion (%) of metabolites

1.2 Graphical presentations

1.2.1 Missing values for metabolites All measured platforms

If empty plot, then no missing values were found in the data set.
This plot may also be omitted if not all metabolites have been measured for all groups/samples in the data set or because of other issues in the data. Separate platforms

If empty plot(s), then no missing values were found in the data set.
This plot may also be omitted if not all metabolites have been measured for all groups/samples in the data set or because of other issues in the data.

1.2.2 Upset plot

This plot shows intersections between metabolites with the highest proportions of missing values, if any.
The upset plot is created only if the data set contains more than one variable with missing data points.
This plot may be omitted if not all metabolites have been measured for all groups/samples in the data set or because of other issues in the data.

1.2.3 Missing data mechanisms

This plot shows the proportions of missing data points (if any) explained by different mechanisms.
If empty table, then no missing values were found in the data set.


  • M(C)AR: missing (completely) at random
  • MNAR: missing not at random

1.3 Reasons for missingness

These tables specify reasons for missing values, if any.

1.3.1 All

All missing data points with coded inputs and explanation

1.3.2 Sample missing

Missing data points because of sample missing

1.3.3 Sample empty | Limited volume

Missing data points because of empty sample / limited volume

1.3.4 Below LOD

Missing data points because of values below LOD

See LOD values (if defined) in part 1.

1.3.5 Severe hemolysis

Missing data points because of severe hemolysis

1.3.6 Clot | Protein precipitation

Missing data points because of clot / protein precipitation

1.3.7 Exceeded linear range | Out of range

Missing data points because values exceeded linear range / was out of range

1.3.8 Antibiotic growth issues

Missing data points because of antibiotic growth issues (platform F)

1.3.9 Analysis failed

Missing data points because analyses failed

See comments in section 1.4.

1.3.10 Other reasons

Missing data points because of other reasons

See comments in section 1.4.

1.4 Further comments

Here, some of the reasons behind missing values are specified with further comments, if necessary.

1.4.1 All

All missing data points with comments

This table lists reasons for missing data points when the analyses failed or for other reasons not explained in the tables in section 1.3.

1.4.2 Analyses failed

Reasons for missing data points when the analyses failed

1.4.3 Other reasons

Other reasons for missing data points not explained elsewhere

1.4.4 General comments

General comments to samples